French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin stated that,
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
“Clarity is freedom”, this image was created when I realized there was a higher consciousness level my spirit was gravitating towards …and gradually everything around me became crystal clear it was really like seeing the world in it’s pure form, the flowers became more colorful, silence became welcomed where before I needed to drive with my radio on all the time ..and I found myself driving around in silence being quite content with the silence, my eating habits became.. quite simple eat to live not live to eat. I started going back to the gym , I started listening more and talking less…caring more about , who am I and why am I? … It really felt like unplugging from the matrix …by the way that movie was way ahead of it’s time or was it right on time? I started realizing that my Aringa Creations characters had a voice and it was not my voice , I really feel like I am the paint brush and the universe is the hand that guides the brush to create these characters that have a strong desire to motivate and inspire ….this awakening moves through my spirit daily constantly showing me signs that I can not ignore. Seeing 1111 everywhere I turn , it has got to the point I want to ignore seeing it, because it was becoming a little creepy ….I remember me and my daughter was at the gas station and she was putting the gas in my car, I was standing outside of the car chatting with her and my head literally turned almost a quick snap to the left and I looked at the gas meter , showing 11.11 I laughed and said to my daughter stop playing with me and she looked at the gas meter and we both just froze, I started my little research on this number… The master number “The opening doors to the portal of the 5th dimension….. and this has been going on for about a year and other numbers are starting to fall in view constantly, 444, 555, 222, 333, 1212, 1010….I do not look for these numbers they just pop up over and over to the point I get dizzy thinking about it.
I was at a store drinking my water sitting in my car the other day, looking at my phone, I hear this loud truck behind me, so loud it made me turn my head and the truck drove by and on the side of the truck big bold font the phone number was 444-1111 , when these numbers appear it is almost like they shout out look at me. I have researched all of the above numbers and they each have a connection to the universe that are guardian angels, spiritual guides…and they make their presence known….WE ARE HERE!
I would like to start a open forum to all those that are experiencing the Spiritual Awakening… Let’s share stories of our different experiences … we are truly all one and it is time to connect and generate that light of the higher divinity ….where it all started……..
From Sobernation:
There is no set “way”, so to speak to have a spiritual awakening, and signs can contrast from person to person. Here are a couple of them:
With all of that said this lead me to create the below image” Free Spirit” Can you relate to any of the above experiences?
Increased inspiration
The feeling inside you that something has changed
Increased “coincidences” in your life
Wanting to make the world a better place
The ability to finally be yourself
Willingness to love and give without expectations
A feeling of bliss
Loss of interest in drama
Other’s noticing that something has changed in you
Thirst for truth and self-fulfillment
Peace & Light
Aringa Creations
Home Decor & More for Your , Body, Mind & Soul…….